Gratitude Journal Prompts for April

April is here! And just remember that old saying, April showers bring May flowers! Meaning, let’s be thankful for the storm – because, after the storm, there’s always a rainbow, amiright?! If you’ve been taking notes from How to Write in your Gratitude Journal for Manifestation, this is another one to add to your toolbelt in April. So let’s have all the Gratitude Journal Prompts for April.

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April Holidays to Be Grateful For

The April gratitude prompts are brought to you by these “random” holidays that I found for this month. So, let’s take a look at them to find inspiration for gratitude for the month of April.

  • Good Friday
  • 3rd: National Find a Rainbow Day
  • 3rd: World Party Day
  • 7th: National Walking Day
  • 9th: National Name Yourself Day
  • 10th: National Sibling Day
  • 14th: National Look Up at the Sky Day
  • 22nd: National Earth Day
  • 23rd: Take a Chance Day
  • 25: National Kiss and Make Up Day

Gratitude Prompts for April

Gratitude Journal Prompts for April

So with those random holidays in mind, and without further ado, here are your Gratitude Journal Prompts for April:

  1. Whether or not you are religious, Good Friday is a good day to be grateful for those that have sacrificed for you. Write down those sacrifices for you and how it’s impacted your life.
  2. In celebration of National Rainbow Day, look for a rainbow after the storm in your life. Write it down and give thanks.
  3. Make an intent to “party” with your family this month. Write down your plans. Maybe that’s a lunch date or just a dance party in your living room. Feel how good it feels, even before you do it.
  4. Plan a walk in nature or just around the block. Take time to look around at things you usually don’t appreciate. Come back and write them down.
  5. On name yourself day, give yourself some new “I AMs”. For example, if you’re not confident, write down how confident you are. Describe it in detail. Explain how it feels now that you have “re-named” yourself.
  6. For National Sibling Day, write down a few things you appreciate about your sibling. Call them after and say hello. If you’re brave enough, tell them what you wrote.

More Gratitude Prompts for April

  1. National Look Up at the Sky Day reminds me of the time my mom was dying of cancer and we got a unique opportunity to talk with a Shaman. He told us to look up into the sky and give thanks for the clouds, because those are clouds you will never see again. In the same token, look up to the sky and see those clouds passing by. What does it make you feel grateful for?
  2. In celebration of National Earth Day, remember you were put here on this earth at this time for a reason. Give thanks for your impact. Write down a few ways you’ve impacted the earth, or how you can continue to do so. (Example: Last year I switched to bar soap to save plastic. It’s the small things!)
  3. For Take a Chance Day, what’s one risky decision you made in the past that you are super grateful you took. Or, what’s a risk you took that didn’t work out as planned. What did you learn from it?
  4. On National Kiss and Make Up Day, remember someone you used to have ill feelings toward and you were able to forgive. How much of a relief was it to “let it go”, as Elsa says?
Approach today with Gratitude and move forward with Intention.

Related Articles

Now that you’re set for April, you might also be interested in the following articles:

Your Gratitude Journal Excuses Debunked.

Powerful Gratitude Prompts for When Life is Hard

The Best Time to Write in Your Gratitude Journal

Lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to read about Gratitude Journal Prompts for April. I hope this gives you some ideas about some new ideas for writing in your gratitude journal this month! I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and positivity! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat. You can also get started on celebrating your life with your FREE gratitude journal printable or by subscribing to my podcast, The Celebration Effect Podcast! I can’t wait to connect with you more.

