Let me guess, you’re looking for a change? Something in your life just isn’t going right. There’s bigger and better things you want to be doing. You want more money, a better relationship, or a career change. Whatever it is, you’re in the right place because Gratitude is the way to do it! Because when you download the Free Printable Gratitude Worksheet in this post and read the blog about How to Start a Daily Gratitude Practice, you’ll be ready to start manifesting miracles into your life.
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Gratitude is my jam. You can read about How Daily Gratitude Changed my life right here. And I know that if you’re here, you’re looking for gratitude to change your life in some way too! Yay! I am so excited for you. Whatever it is you’re looking to do – make more money, lose weight, be a better parent, generally be more positive about life, or go after some of your biggest dreams. Any and all of those things can be achieved through a gratitude practice like writing in your gratitude journal. Or more specifically, with this Free Printable Gratitude Worksheet.
What’s On the Free Printable Gratitude Worksheet
When I created this Free Printable Gratitude Worksheet, I included the most important things that I believe go into having a daily gratitude practice. Below I break down the sections that you focus on using this gratitude printable.

Pick 3 New Things To Be Grateful for Each Day
The first section of the printable allows you to focus on three new things to be grateful for. People always ask me, does it have to be only three things? The truth is, there is no magic in the number three. The idea is that you focus on what you are truly grateful for in each and every day. Something unique to that day. Want to give thanks for your coffee? Your short commute? A new piece of furniture you bought this weekend? It’s all relative! This lets you expand your mind. It teaches you that there really is an endless supply of things to be grateful for in your life each and every day.
Give Thanks For What You Want
The next part of the Free Printable Gratitude Worksheet is writing out your goals as if you’ve already achieved them. I go into much more depth about this idea in my blog, Do Gratitude Journals Work? But what you’ll be doing here is identifying what you’ll be grateful for once you’ve achieved your biggest goals and dreams.
Many times, we say we have a goal, but we don’t spend a lot of time defining what that looks like. What can you see now that you’ve achieved that goal? You won’t just be grateful for a “new job”. You’ll be grateful that you have a job that challenges you, where you work with fun people and have an amazing boss. I guess this is similar to smart goals. This is the “Specific” part of the smart goals. But hey, how can you know how to get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going?
The Magic is In the Feeling When Writing In Your Free Printable Gratitude Worksheet
Up next in the Free Printable Gratitude Worksheet is identifying how you feel NOW that you’ve achieved those goals you’ve always wanted. So much of the time, we spend our time thinking about how we don’t have what we want. I talk about how we do this in, Why You Aren’t Manifesting With Your Gratitude Journal. That’s why this exercise is so powerful. You get to bask in the feeling of what it would feel like to have all your dreams come true. Because the truth is, we aren’t really after that bright white kitchen, that shiny new car, or that new job at work. We want how it’s going to make us FEEL. So ask yourself, how will getting this goal, achievement, or thing make me feel? Describe it. FEEL IT. That’s where the magic is.
When To Write In Your Gratitude Journal Worksheet
Everyone always asks me when is the best time to write in my gratitude journal. I personally prefer the morning, because I’m SUCH a morning person. Are you? However, I’ve heard from many great speakers and authors that there are three main times in the day when it’s good to do things like writing in your gratitude journal, meditation, etc. These three times are right after your wake up, after you exercise, or right before bed. I won’t go into too much detail about that here, but if you do it during one of those times, you should be setting yourself up for a good gratitude journaling session.
Other Instructions for Writing in Your Gratitude Journal Worksheet
Whenever I write in my gratitude journal, I turn my phone over so that I can’t see the screen if it’s near me. That way, there’s no distractions. I always have my phone on silent, but if you don’t, you might want to silence it. The worksheet that I provide has a small space on it for your notes. That way, if you suddenly think of a client you forgot to email, or that person you have to call, you can jot it down and get back to being grateful! No distractions!
Changes You’ll See After Using This Free Printable Gratitude Worksheet
Once you’ve been doing this practice for a little while, you might start to notice some changes. And not just in manifesting the things that you have been writing about. You’ll also notice a change in the way you react to things in your life. Perhaps when something happens that isn’t exactly rainbows and butterflies, somehow things won’t seem all that bad. You feel calmer, more focused, more at peace. I know that it makes me feel more peaceful, more confident, and more focused. I love doing it in the morning because it helps me set my intention for the day!
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Lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to read about Free Printable Gratitude Worksheet! I hope this gives you some ideas about how to get started with a gratitude practice! I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat. You can also get started on celebrating your life with your FREE gratitude journal printable or by subscribing to my podcast, The Celebration Effect Podcast! I can’t wait to connect with you more.