Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Friend! This year was kind of epic. It was probably the BEST of my life, which honestly sounds crazy to say, but it’s true. And listen, it’s not because I made a million dollars selling my party decorations. And it’s not even because I reached ALL of my goals that I set for this year. Because I didn’t. Hence not making a million dollars selling party decorations. This year was the best year because of my mindset. Therefore, I want to share 5 ways with you for you to your best year ever so you can emulate it this year in your life.
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Okay, I know I am the same person technically. But this year, I implemented new ways of thinking and being that have had a huge impact on my life. From the outside, it might not look like much. But on the inside, I am starting to perceive life in such a different light. I’m going to share those 5 things with you right now, in hopes that it might help you have the best year ever!
(And the even better news is that if you’re reading this mid-year, or in a completely different year, these are things you can apply to your life any time! No need to wait to NYE to get started!).
5 ways to the best year ever- Daily Gratitude
Gratitude is the key to having it all. I’ve talked about it plenty of times before. In fact, if you want to know JUST how powerful gratitude is and why it’s such a big deal in my life, I would encourage you to listen to this podcast. I share my story about why I’m such a “gratitude pusher”. Why I think it’s so important for you to start a gratitude practice. And I break down some of your biggest excuses and fears related to writing in your gratitude journal. I also provide you with a free resource to start your gratitude practice today! If you want to get started on a gratitude practice, make sure to visit How To Manifest With Your Gratitude Journal.
Daily Fitness
I’ve been slightly obsessed with working out since I gained the freshman 15 in college. And since then, my working out journey has definitely been just that – a journey. I’ve gone from being exercise-obsessed, to using it as a tool to ignite my body and soul. This year, I started being really intentional about working out. I no longer obsess about it. I do it LESS with better results! And I talk about some of my favorite workouts below to help you with your workouts this year!
5 ways to the best year ever- Stop Caring What Others Think
I heard this quote from one of my favorite mentors in the online space. He says, “Stop worrying about being judged by other people. News flash! They’re already judging you.” When I read this, it resonated with me so strongly.
My whole life I have cared WAY too much about what other people think. I think as teenagers, it’s only natural. But as I went through my 20’s and even into my 30’s, I thought, “This has got to stop! Why is it so important to me what other people think?”
The minute I started focusing less about what other people think and more about what I really want, things started to open up for me. Let me tell you that I’m still not 100%. And that it is something that I work on every single day. Sometimes when I realize that I’m fearful of what people will think, I realize THAT is the exact thing that I should be doing. I challenge myself to push through the fear because, as my 94 year old grandmother says, “I say WHO CARES!?”
5 ways to the best year ever- Celebrate Your Wins
It’s easy to look back on the year and think about all of your “failures”, in business, in parenting, in life. But what if, instead, we focused on all the wins, everything that went right, and all the good stuff you did? You’d probably find a whole lot more to be grateful for if you realized just how many amazing things you did and milestones you hit this year. Find out how to celebrate every single day, right here and get a free resource to help you do it.
5 ways to the best year ever- Surround Yourself With Positivity
The last of the 5 ways to the best year ever has to do with who you spend your time with. Those memes about removing negative people and things from your life might be funny, but they are absolutely 100% true. You need to surround yourself with people and things that raise your vibration to achieve the things that you want in life.
I’m super lucky because my husband really supports me in all these – what some might call “crazy” – beliefs that I have. And I have friends and family who totally get all this stuff. But I know that sometimes, that’s just not the case. And it can be hard to find people who have the intention of living a more positive life. That’s why I recommend, finding books to read and podcasts to listen to, that fill your mind with “brain food”. Look for mentors in the online space to encourage and inspire you. Watch the news less. Seriously, it’s life changing. If you really need to know what’s going on in the world, sign up for something like The Skimm, which provides pretty non-partial news daily.
Let’s Connect!
Lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to read about 5 ways to the best year ever! I hope this gives you some ideas about how to easily make changes in your life to be happier and more positive! I love to help you celebrate life through party decorations and personal development! But above all, I’d love to connect with you. Reach out to me on Instagram and let’s chat. Get started celebrating your life! Grab your FREE gratitude journal printable or by subscribing to my podcast, The Celebration Effect Podcast! I can’t wait to connect with you more.
xoxo, Lindsay